Entlebucher Mountain Dog, Entle, puppy, puppies, Swiss, Sennenhund, Switzerland, cattle herd, alps, lively, high energy, medium size, beautiful symmetrical markings, black, white and tan, tri-color, health, genetics, bloodlines, lifespan, disease, Bergen Alberta Canada, Cottonwood, Arizona, USA, Saint Ferriol, Aude, France, Eugene Oregon, USA, show, AKC, CKC, Superstition, Saguaro, Evelyn Kenny, BCOE, NEMDA, Qualified breeder, conscientious, honest
Entlebucher Mountain Dog, Entle, puppy, breeder, medium sized, family dog, friendly, the SMILING dog, easy to train, Entlebucher Sennenhund, Swiss Mountain Dog, Alberta, Bergen, ranch, breeder, medium sized, cattle dog, drover, herder, velcro dog, therapy, assistance, companion, agility, nose work, obedience, healthy, conscientious, ethical, intact, titres, deposit, Cottonwood, Arizona, raw food, enthusiastic, loyal, genetic diversity, AKC, CKC, conformation, performance, dog show, cute, cuddly, playful, Good Dog, AviDog, purposefully bred, purebred, well socialized, NEMDA, BCOE, tri-color, clean, , puppies available, active

Breeding for health, temperament and breed survival

Bar T T Ranch Entlebuchers
Ectopic Ureter Syndrome
What is Ectopic Urinary Syndrome?
Ectopic Urinary Syndrome (EUS) is a disease of the urinary / renal system that can affect Entlebuchers. It is caused by an anatomical abnormality in the junction of the ureter with the bladder, which is believed to be caused genetically.
How is it treated?
Treatment of EUS depends on its severity. The mildest cases can be managed with incontinence medication while more severe cases require surgical removal of the abnormal ureter and kidney. Rarely does the disease affect both sides, which would be fatal.
What are the symptoms?
EUS is generally identified by urine leakage, from occaisional to constant dribbling, and frequent bladder infections. In severe cases, it can lead to renal failure and death. But in Entlebuchers it can be 'silent' without symptoms in the dog or their offspring.
At this time, EUS cannot be identified through genetics. Only invasive physical exams can point to this abnormality, which can often times be of limited impact to dog and owner.
For now, all owners and breeders can do is be aware, watch for house training difficulty and mention this to your veterinarian.